If I lived in Scotland this one design decision would make me vote “Yes”
A group of celebs have banded together to make “Let’s Stay Together” – an appeal for Scotland to vote against independence. It is 2014. If you try to view it on your phone, this happens.

Current status: Winning at the internet with Trinity Mirror
Last week Digiday had a piece looking at Trinity Mirror’s success with digital experimentation. It’s always lovely to see things you’ve worked on having a real effect on a company. Here’s a couple of key points from Chris Smith’s piece……

Did the Times of Israel say genocide was permissible? Spoiler: NO
A blogger on the Times Of Israel website posted a piece today asking when genocide was permissible. The Times of Israel moderated it off. People are posting screenshots and responding on Twitter as if the Times said it themselves. Hmm,…
How much of Wolfgang Blau’s “office desktop” traffic will survive for brands like the Mirror?
Wolfgang Blau, director of digital strategy at the Guardian, recently tweeted about the shift to mobile apparent in news consumption over the last couple of years. He posed a challenging question – are we de-prioritising desktop design too soon? His…
Come and work with me making brilliant stuff for the web
So my track record helping Trinity Mirror launch UsVsTh3m, Ampp3d and Row Zed is pretty OK, and you like making brilliant fun shareable content for the web, so why on earth wouldn’t we want to do that together? I’m looking…
12 things I learnt from our developer’s blog about building Ampp3d
A while back Ampp3d’s developer William Turrell posted a long technical look at how we built the site in just eight weeks a long ongoing process of technical refinement over six months and counting. It is essential reading if you…
Hello, world (Slight return)
Hello, world! You might have noticed there has been an intermission on the blog. Or probably not. I think it says something about the state of blogging in 2014 that my website disappeared and it took 4 days for me…

The death of the homepage in one simple graph
This is a graph. But probably not the one you’re expecting So it’s an odd thing when you’ve been saying something for years and nobody believes you, then suddenly, someone publishes one leaked graph, and overnight all the world agrees…
Why everybody in the newsroom should do all their work on their phones
“Everybody in the newsroom should work exclusively on their phones all the time.” – Me. This morning. Sort of. I was on a panel this morning at the BBC/New York Times Social Media Summit, and in the course of it…

Some thoughts on straight lines across UK maps
A good little debate on Twitter today about the fidelity of some of the maps Ampp3d have been using. We’ve taken to representing YouGov’s regional survey variations with clearly non-geographic lines drawn across the country, dividing it into several bands….