Some lovely radio about how Leyton Orient got Herb Alpert’s Tijuana Taxi as their signature tune

There was a lovely bit of radio over the holiday period, where Colin Murray and former footballer and Scottish national treasure Pat Nevin discussed with Leyton Orient commentator Dave Victor how it came to be that the O’s, uniquely in…

Come and watch m-orchestra at the Manchester Folk Horror Festival!

It has been a while since the last m-orchestra show, but I am absolutely thrilled to be doing my first gig of 2025 on 1 February at the Manchester Folk Horror festival! The venue is The Peer Hat in Faraday…

A one-line spoiler-free review of everything I watched in the cinema in December 2024

I’ve ditched the usual blurb about “not being a movies person, but anyway…” because since I started going to the cinema regularly in 2022 I’ve turned into the kind of guy who downloads the London Film Festival brochure and meticulously…

A one-line review of every gig I’ve been to in December 2024

This monthly series is probably more for my benefit than yours, but maybe your interest will be piqued by one of the reviews. Maybe you’ll scroll straight past. Maybe you’ll unsubscribe thinking what did I see in this blog in…

Yesterday I was musing about how much I still miss people like Paul Spragg, Dan Martin and Paul Condon from Doctor Who fandom, and so it seems an appropriate time to recommend you have a listen to the 2024 edition…

Lots of new (and old) Doctor Who for Christmas

There is a mini-Xmas present for Doctor Who fans this week as Big Finish have made available a free new story – War Stories, an adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts, written by Patrick Ross and narrated by…

The inevitable end of 2024 list of lists …

Much like those family circular letters at Xmas, end of year lists on personal blogs are more for the benefit of the writer than the reader. I look forward to looking back on this list for years to come. And…

Happy birthday to my blog and a Happy Christmas to you

It is that time of the year to remind everybody that I was clearly destined to be a journalist with a journalist attitude to deadlines, because my vow in the middle of 2002 that by Xmas 2002 I would have…

This week – after a strike-induced hiatus – the Guardian Thursday quiz is back. And you get to see my dog Willow in a Christmas jumper, a lovely guest dog called Otis, lots of other cute animals, and there is…

Visiting Lost In Light in Shoreditch

I recently went to the Lost In Light exhibition in Shoreditch. It is five rooms of light and sound installations by Squidsoup in a sparsely furnished ex-warehouse sort of space on Curtain Road. You have to buy a timed ticket,…