Yesterday I was musing about how much I still miss people like Paul Spragg, Dan Martin and Paul Condon from Doctor Who fandom, and so it seems an appropriate time to recommend you have a listen to the 2024 edition…

There is a mini-Xmas present for Doctor Who fans this week as Big Finish have made available a free new story – War Stories, an adventure featuring the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts, written by Patrick Ross and narrated by…

Much like those family circular letters at Xmas, end of year lists on personal blogs are more for the benefit of the writer than the reader. I look forward to looking back on this list for years to come. And…

It is that time of the year to remind everybody that I was clearly destined to be a journalist with a journalist attitude to deadlines, because my vow in the middle of 2002 that by Xmas 2002 I would have…
This week – after a strike-induced hiatus – the Guardian Thursday quiz is back. And you get to see my dog Willow in a Christmas jumper, a lovely guest dog called Otis, lots of other cute animals, and there is…

I recently went to the Lost In Light exhibition in Shoreditch. It is five rooms of light and sound installations by Squidsoup in a sparsely furnished ex-warehouse sort of space on Curtain Road. You have to buy a timed ticket,…

Occasionally I am convinced that time travel means that suddenly things that have never previously existed in our timeline pop up, and have apparently been here forever. That is how I feel about the Museum of Brands in London, which…

Let us be honest, if you were not a keyworker being forced out of your home to do your job, we all developed weird hobbies during Covid lockdown. I can remember spending one evening watching someone do a fundraising stream…

I’ve been trying to add to the general joy of the internet by writing about positive things I have enjoyed and sharing things I’ve read that I thought other people might like. This one does come with a side-serving of…
Horseback raves, a programming language called Tabloid, the alphabetic order of your surname depressing your academic grades, and the ability to buy genuine human teeth if you so wish, you will find all of these things in Tom Whitwell’s always…