Notably not the Look Back Bores

This monthly series is probably more for my benefit than yours, but maybe your interest will be piqued by one of the reviews. Maybe you’ll scroll straight past. Maybe you’ll unsubscribe thinking what did I see in this blog in…

One of West Essex's three goalkeepers that day and the Stanway Rovers drum guy.

I have resisted the temptation to start adding one-line reviews of every football match I go to, alongside the existing series of one-line gig reviews and one-line movie reviews, but as part of this blog having morphed into my outside…

A day on London’s orbital Superloop buses

I am a sucker for public transport infrastructure*, and as soon as it was announced that London was going to have a new “Superloop” of express buses orbiting the suburbs it was inevitable I would spend a day catching the…

I put all the Doctor Who actors into the correct order for you

So I’ve contributed for the first time to the Guardian’s “ – Ranked!” series with a subject dear to my heart. “Every Doctor Who episode – ranked!” was a step too far, as was “Every Doctor Who companion – ranked!”,…

Neil Tennant in Pet Shop Boys: Dreamland

I’ve never really been a movies person, they last too long and I always want the bar/toilet after 20 minutes like at a gig, which stresses me out. But I got myself a BFI and a Picturehouse membership and once…

Joseph In The Backyard at the Moth Club, Hackney

This monthly series is probably more for my benefit than yours, but maybe your interest will be piqued by one of the reviews. Maybe you’ll scroll straight past. Maybe you’ll unsubscribe thinking what did I see in this blog in…

New m-orchestra single – ‘Buyer Beware’

Just a quick note that I released a new single yesterday. Buyer Beware tells the story of a man who hears from his neighbour about why the people who used to own his house fled in a hurry. It is…

The Guardian Thursday quiz tag page

150 weeks ago I pressed publish for the first time on a quiz on the Guardian website which came to be known as the Guardian Thursday quiz. It had grown out of the fact that I had done a successful…

Julian Rampen's debut novel, The Bay

This monthly series is probably more for my benefit than yours, but maybe your interest will be piqued by one of the reviews. Maybe you’ll scroll straight past. Maybe you’ll unsubscribe thinking what did I see in this blog in…

The Boy and the Heron

I’ve never really been a movies person, they last too long and I always want the bar/toilet after 20 minutes like at a gig, which stresses me out. But I got myself a BFI and a Picturehouse membership and once…