Happy birthday to my blog and a Happy Christmas to you
It is that time of the year to remind everybody that I was clearly destined to be a journalist with a journalist attitude to deadlines, because my vow in the middle of 2002 that by Xmas 2002 I would have my own personal blog up and running on the interwebs meant my first ever blog post was on Christmas Eve 2002, the very last possible moment. A tale, my current editors will tell you, as old as time.
So happy birthday to my blog – 22 years old, blimey where does the time go – and a happy Christmas to you!
And as a gift to you, here is Willow and my Sparks Xmas jumper …
The blog used to look a little like this in the currybetdotnet days …

What my blog looked like in the early 2000’s
… and a huge thank you to William Turrell who keeps it all running for me these days.