Go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit at Tate Modern before it closes

Go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit at Tate Modern before it closes

From my “I enjoyed this, you might enjoy it too” files, I urge you to go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit exhibition at the Tate Modern if you can before it closes at the end of this week.

As well as the early pieces touching on some of my own areas of interest – poltergeists and spirit voices and fake ectoplasm [pictured above] – one of the rooms, showcasing his Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction project, is quite astonishing and a real sensory overload for freaks and geeks.

Well worth your time.

PS: The new Leigh Bowery celebratory retrospective at Tate Modern is also well worth a visit, includes trace elements of the Fall with Michael Clark, and also made me laugh a lot by having one room set aside as not suitable for the under-18s, in which one of the main video projections is clips of Margaret Thatcher mithering about some moral panic or other.