I put all the Doctor Who actors into the correct order for you

I put all the Doctor Who actors into the correct order for you

So I’ve contributed for the first time to the Guardian’s “ – Ranked!” series with a subject dear to my heart. “Every Doctor Who episode – ranked!” was a step too far, as was “Every Doctor Who companion – ranked!”,…

The Guardian Thursday quiz tag page

150th (week) birthday for the Guardian Thursday quiz

150 weeks ago I pressed publish for the first time on a quiz on the Guardian website which came to be known as the Guardian Thursday quiz. It had grown out of the fact that I had done a successful…

Sign up for my Paralympics newsletter for the Guardian

A quick plug for my Guardian Paralympics newsletter, which will be starting daily for the duration of the Paralympics from Monday. I’ve already been lucky enough to interview a couple of the British Paralympians for it over Zoom to find…

Sign up to get my Tokyo 2020 daily briefing for the Guardian

I’ve been pretty much live-blogging either US politics or the global coronavirus pandemic every weekday now since something like March last year, so I’m absolutely thrilled that I’ve got a bit of a change of pace coming up. Starting later…

Do my quiz! Euro 2020 version

I’ve had so much fun putting together a Euro 2020 football anthems quiz for the Guardian today that it seems a shame not to share it with you. When else am I ever going to be able to write three…

Living the Eurovision dream

No Friday Reading this week afraid because I have been too busy living the Eurovision dream. Not only have I put together the Guardian’s fiendish Eurovision quiz, but I am absolutely thrilled that for the first time on Saturday I…

Stuart O’Connor

I was very sorry to hear that Stuart O’Connor, who was known as ScreenjabberStu on Twitter, has passed away in Australia. He was a colleague of mine who worked on the Guardian’s tech, media & games coverage in the early…

Happy birthday to the Guardian!

Happy birthday to the Guardian!

The Guardian is 200 years old today and there’s lots of stuff online to celebrate it. As I see it… STEP ONE: Start a radical campaigning newspaper in Manchester. STEP TWO: In two hundred years time, have some rando writing…

“DO MY QUIZ!” – a new weekly online quiz for the Guardian

I am very excited that I am starting a new series at the Guardian which will allow me to shout “DO MY QUIZ!” at you rudely every Thursday lunchtime. My mantra for writing Guardian quizzes is that you want *most*…

‘First rough draft of history’ – live blogging article for InPublishing

“I’ve always thought of the role of the live blogger as being a little like that of a radio DJ on a news-driven morning or drive-time show. You need to be lively and entertaining, you need to convey things quickly…