“The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh at Hacks/Hackers London
Last week’s Hacks/Hackers London meet-up was themed around the funding of investigative journalism, and featured this talk from the Guardian’s legendary investigative reporter David Leigh. “The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh David Leigh has an authoritative voice…

On the demise of Google Reader
The news of Google Reader’s demise has been widely greeted with dismay amongst the people who used it. It feels like an unpicking of one of the threads of the web. A few months ago I wrote about “The demise…
BBC Archers message board closure features on Radio 4’s Feedback
The closure of the BBC’s Archers message aboard was the subject of discussion on the Radio 4 Feeback programme this week. But a new hope for the community may have sprung from an unlikely source… A comment on one of…

The long slow death of the BBC’s Message boards
The imminent closure of The Archers message board on the BBC website is another milestone along the way to the BBC ditching the format altogether. The BBC have announced that they will be closing the Archers message board, which has…
Working towards never writing this blog post about “women at tech conferences” again
Over the last couple of days there has been another round of focus on the despicable way that woman in tech and digital design are treated by some men in the sector. Sarah Parmenter blogged about a shocking thing that…