m-orchestra at Halloween

You might think that Halloween would be the perfect time to be a musician making spooky haunted electronic music. And you would be right. If you’ve never seen or heard my Fortean electronica, then over the next couple of weeks you’ve got plenty of chances. Here’s what is coming up…

22/10: Thursday night I’m doing a ten minute set as part of VEMOM #8 which you can watch on Twitch. It runs from 8pm.

28/10: M-Orchestra – the Halloween special, live on Facebook, featuring a couple of exclusive new tracks especially for the witching season.

30/10: Exclusive first play of new track on the Homebrew Horrorthon, a special Halloween-themed edition of a weekly podcast featuring electronic music.

31/10: Live, late and haunted as part of V-EM 5.0. There will be at least six electronic acts playing in a live stream that runs from 9pm to 1am and since it is Halloween itself, my contribution will be a unique set with a unique presentation.

7/11: An extended live streaming set for Nick’s Virtual Garage which will be available across several different platforms.