Enjoying the Broken Veil paranormal podcast

Enjoying the Broken Veil paranormal podcast

Among recent things that I have enjoyed, which you might enjoy too, is a new creepy paranormal podcast series called Broken Veil.

It is a loosely connected set of stories of strange experiences which all centre around a particular place that seems somehow out of time, written and presented by Joel Morris and a friend of mine, Will Maclean, although bizarrely in its own spooky way I stumbled across it without having seen Will promoting it.

Morris has described it as “a blend of ‘found narrative’, DIY podcasting, and psychogeography, mixing sound, memory, storytelling, landscape and documentary”.

It reminds me a little of some of the Pleasant Green universe podcasts from Julian Simpson, which I have been meaning to write about for ages, so maybe this will also give me the nudge to do that. Anyway, I’ve listened to four episodes of Broken Veil and have really enjoyed it. There are, I think, two more to come.

Will also wrote The Apparition Phase, which I really enjoyed too, describing that book as “meeting loads of characters who seem perfectly nice, and then experiencing a slow creeping dread page after page as you realised terrible curséd things are going to inevitably happen to all of them.”

You can listen to Broken Veil here.