Have your say in a large-scale survey of live music audiences

Regular readers will know that I go to (and review) more gigs than I have hot dinners, so I was a very willing participant in a massive survey about live music – the Music Fans’ Voice survey – and you could be too.

It has been commissioned by a bunch of local authorities including those in London, Greater Manchester, Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast, and, the organisers say, “builds on the recommendation from the culture, media and sport select committee for a fan led review of live and electronic music, as happened in football.

They say:

“This is a chance for music fans to highlight which areas matter most to them. Findings will give fans a data driven seat at the table. Helping to inform decision making in government, the music industry and city regions around the UK on how to support all areas of live music, improve the audience experience and protect our live music spaces.”

It takes about 15 minutes to fill in – so why not add your voice. You can find the survey here.