8 things we learned covering #GE2015 for Ampp3d & UsVsTh3m
Last month I gave a short talk at Hacks/Hackers London about covering the 2015 General Election with Ampp3d and UsVsTh3m. Here are 8 things we learned. 1. We don’t have much useful digital “prior art” It is possible this is…
A grumpy old man’s tuppence on why you shouldn’t ruin Hacks/Hackers London
I’ll be at Hacks/Hackers London tomorrow. I used to be a die-hard regular, and would frantically blog every talk. Those days have gone. Two children under the age of six have severely curtailed my ability to go out at night….
“Anyone referring to journalism as ‘a product’ should be shot” – Quartz’s Leo Mirani & Jason Karaian at #HHLdn
I recently had a look down the back of my sofa, and found a load of notes from talks that I never got round to blogging. So I’m gradually putting that right. Here is what I made of watching Leo…
“Do Assad’s men wear trainers?” – the BBC’s Trushar Barot on social media verification
Like a man tracking Africa for missing episodes of Doctor Who, I’ve fearlessly found some notes on my laptop I never wrote up into blog posts. Back in May the BBC’s Trushar Barot was talking at Hacks/Hackers London about verifying…
“Journalists want convenience, not security” – Daniel Cuthbert at Hacks/Hackers London
[contentblock id=”2″] OK, so it isn’t quite lost episodes of Doctor Who, but I’ve dug out my notes from a Hacks/Hackers London meet-up back in May 2013 that I never quite got round to writing up at the time. Here’s…

“Telling the story of Firestorm” – Jon Henley & Robin Beitra at Hacks/Hackers London
Carefully planned as a spectacular launch to the Guardian’s new Australian edition, “Firestorm” is a rich interactive telling the story of the astonishing forest fires that engulfed the town of Dunalley, which came to the world’s attention thanks to a…
“We aren’t here to steal anyone’s lunch” – Buzzfeed’s Luke Lewis at Hacks/Hackers London
[contentblock id=”2″] At last month’s Hacks/Hackers London meet-up, ex-NME digital guy Luke Lewis talked about the launch of the UK edition of Buzzfeed. As a site being variously touted as the future of journalism and symptomatic of the very death…
“The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh at Hacks/Hackers London
Last week’s Hacks/Hackers London meet-up was themed around the funding of investigative journalism, and featured this talk from the Guardian’s legendary investigative reporter David Leigh. “The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh David Leigh has an authoritative voice…