Enjoying the Broken Veil paranormal podcast

Enjoying the Broken Veil paranormal podcast

Among recent things that I have enjoyed, which you might enjoy too, is a new creepy paranormal podcast series called Broken Veil. It is a loosely connected set of stories of strange experiences which all centre around a particular place…

Go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit at Tate Modern before it closes

Go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit at Tate Modern before it closes

From my “I enjoyed this, you might enjoy it too” files, I urge you to go and see Mike Kelley’s Ghost and Spirit exhibition at the Tate Modern if you can before it closes at the end of this week….

Visiting the Museum of Brands in London

Visiting the Museum of Brands in London

Occasionally I am convinced that time travel means that suddenly things that have never previously existed in our timeline pop up, and have apparently been here forever. That is how I feel about the Museum of Brands in London, which…

[Waiting for The Hills Have Eyes in Hackney Wick]

Lovely Token Homo cult movie screenings in London

Over the last few weeks I’ve been to a handful of cinema screenings by Token Homo, who bills himself as putting on “queer, cult, and curious cinema events at venues across London”, and they have been great. Not only have…

I’ve been reading 2000AD again and Thistlebone and Brink are great!

I’ve been reading 2000AD again and Thistlebone and Brink are great!

Borag Thungg! When things like Woolworths go bust, people who haven’t been to Woolworths for years feel sad and say “Why can’t the old things I liked survive?”. So at the start of the pandemic I worried about things going…

The Tegan and Sara internet culture and fandom documentary is worth 100 minutes of your time

The Tegan and Sara internet culture and fandom documentary is worth 100 minutes of your time

I didn’t watch this in the cinema, and I had a bit more to say about it than my usual one-line movie review format, so it didn’t fit into my monthly round-up, but I do want to wholeheartedly recommend you…

Listen to The Holmwood Foundation!

Listen to The Holmwood Foundation!

Fio Trethewey, one of my Doctor Who brethren – I’ve previously bought their incredible little Who-themed enamel pin badges – has a really cool new project with their partner Georgia Cook called The Holmwood Foundation. Described as “a found footage…

Lovely Ladybird books exhibition in St Albans

Lovely Ladybird books exhibition in St Albans

I thoroughly recommend the current exhibition in the St Albans museum about the design and illustration of Ladybird books called The Wonderful World of the Ladybird Artists. It is free and runs until September. There is lots of original artwork…