“Anyone referring to journalism as ‘a product’ should be shot” – Quartz’s Leo Mirani & Jason Karaian at #HHLdn
I recently had a look down the back of my sofa, and found a load of notes from talks that I never got round to blogging. So I’m gradually putting that right. Here is what I made of watching Leo…
“Journalists want convenience, not security” – Daniel Cuthbert at Hacks/Hackers London
[contentblock id=”2″] OK, so it isn’t quite lost episodes of Doctor Who, but I’ve dug out my notes from a Hacks/Hackers London meet-up back in May 2013 that I never quite got round to writing up at the time. Here’s…

“Making news stand-out in a social media world” – Quartz’s Kevin Delaney at #SmartDEN
Quartz are by far one of the most interesting entries into the news market in the last couple of years, and at #SmartDEN, editor-in-chief Kevin Delaney spoke about how they operate. Kevin explained that they were “digitally native” and “mobile…
The real problem with the “Should journalists learn to code” question
As regular as clockwork, and almost as much fun as “are bloggers journalists?”, the “should journalists learn to code” debate has flared up again. Here’s my definitive take on why there is a problem with the debate. There is one…
“Every story starts with an audience of zero” – Jay Lauf of Quartz at news:rewired
I’ve been at the latest edition of news:rewired, and of course, note-taking and blogging furiously. Here are my notes from the opening keynote talk by Jay Lauf, publisher of Quartz. “Every story starts with an audience of zero” – Jay…

“Telling the story of Firestorm” – Jon Henley & Robin Beitra at Hacks/Hackers London
Carefully planned as a spectacular launch to the Guardian’s new Australian edition, “Firestorm” is a rich interactive telling the story of the astonishing forest fires that engulfed the town of Dunalley, which came to the world’s attention thanks to a…
“How to make journalism work on tablet computers” at News On The Move II
Last week I went to News On The Move II, an afternoon event organised by Press Gazette and hosted by Google. Here are my notes from a panel session entitled “How to make journalism work on tablet computers”, and I…

16 tapirs who think your attitude to “sponsored content” sucks
If the traditional news industry wants to keep on earning a share of digital marketing spend, it needs to solve the conundrum of “sponsored content”, “advertorial” and “brand journalism” online. No, I’m not actually going to litter this blog post…
“The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh at Hacks/Hackers London
Last week’s Hacks/Hackers London meet-up was themed around the funding of investigative journalism, and featured this talk from the Guardian’s legendary investigative reporter David Leigh. “The future for investigative journalism funding” – David Leigh David Leigh has an authoritative voice…