Of masks and madmen
I found myself addicted today to flicking through the pictures coming through on social media from Trafalgar Sq of the London anti-mask anti-Covid demo. I looked through over 100 and was reading every single sign that was visible. There was…
You failed
I can’t stop thinking about how I was predicted really high grades then tanked my A-levels, but that this year I’d have probably got close to my expected grades and someone else in my year would have been given the…

“You are part of our gang” – running news social media accounts during an election campaign
Having run social media accounts for both the Mirror and the Guardian during election and referendum campaigns, here’s a long rambling brain dump about the whole thing… I suppose one of the things that has driven my career over nearly…

“Did the British press cause Brexit?” – notes from a panel session at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, where on a lovely sunny day in a beautiful Italian palazzo, several British journalists gathered to talk about #Brexit, and the role the British press had played in the Leave vote….
“How we got the final #Brexit poll wrong” – Ben Page of Ipsos Mori at #ijf17
I’m at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and here are my notes from a session called “Pollsters or astrologists? The social role of opinion polls in politics” which featured Ben Page, the CEO Ipsos Mori “If I tell you…
‘Little c’ christmas is fine – it is ‘Big C’ Christmas that people fear disappearing
Look, I enjoy laughing about “The War on Christmas” as much as anyone. Is anything funnier than knowing that you are annoying someone by wishing them a “Wonderful Winterval”? Or explaining that it is only because of political correctness that…

Polls, polls, lov-er-ly polls
One of the stories to come out of the 2015 General Election was how wrong the polling was in advance, and since then pollsters have been investigating how it went wrong: “This week’s Polling Inquiry — what you need to know in…
“People are on social media, so do it on social media” – Buzzfeed’s Tom Phillips on #GE2015 at News Impact Summit London
Last week I was at the News Impact Summit London, and the first panel session was about coverage of the recent UK General Election, a subject rather dear to my heart. It featured Miranda Green, Buzzfeed’s Tom Phillips, ITV’s Jason…

“We put a lot of effort into designing #GE2015 for mobile” – the BBC’s Steve Herrmann at News Impact Summit
Today I’ve been at the News Impact Summit London, and the first panel session was about coverage of the recent UK General Election, a subject rather dear to my heart. It featured Miranda Green, Buzzfeed’s Tom Phillips, ITV’s Jason Mills…
“We were all chasing this phantom story” – Miranda Green on #GE2015 at the News Impact Summit
Today I’ve been at the News Impact Summit London, and the first panel session was about coverage of the recent UK General Election, a subject rather dear to my heart. “I’d never seen so many shocked people across the country”…