Why don’t I care about Twitter shoving “favourites” into my timeline?
I’ve made a few sarcastic tweets over the last few days moaning that people are over-reacting to “the horror” of Twitter mixing in favourites with tweets and retweets in your timeline. Woaaaaahhhhhh it’s almost like all your Twitter favourites weren’t…
Two posts well worth reading about the Facebook news feed algorithm
“I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me” – Mat Honan For Wired, Mat Honan ‘liked’ literally everything Facebook threw at him, to see what happened. He could only bear it for…

50 million reasons the media needs to stop thinking Buzzfeed is only lists
BuzzFeed got some money. The New York Times headline was predictable: “50 Million New Reasons BuzzFeed Wants to Take Its Content Far Beyond Lists” Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s BuzzFeed right? And all they do is lists, right? Ha! Ha! Ha!…

Did the Times of Israel say genocide was permissible? Spoiler: NO
A blogger on the Times Of Israel website posted a piece today asking when genocide was permissible. The Times of Israel moderated it off. People are posting screenshots and responding on Twitter as if the Times said it themselves. Hmm,…
Complaining you get less organic Facebook reach is looking down the wrong end of the telescope
You’ll have heard a lot over the last few weeks on how Facebook is screwing down the organic reach of brand posts, and there’s a lot of unhappy people out there. I think anyone complaining they get less organic Facebook…

@BBCExtraGhost, #Vennfest, @UKGoHomeOffice and beyond – doing political satire for the web
It turns out, when I think about it, that I’ve spent rather a lot of my spare time and my career trying to do political satire on the web. And that’s why I was invited to talk about it at…
“From Search to Social” – BuzzFeed, Facebook, Metro & UsVsTh3m at #SMWLDN
Today I was part of a panel at Social Media Week London talking about the big shift “From search to social”. Here are some of the notes I took whilst on stage with BuzzFeed UK’s Luke Lewis, Facebook’s Karla Geci,…
9 pet peeves from running the UsVsTh3m social media brand accounts
Every social media manager in the land must have some pet peeves among the kind of responses his or her brand generates. The tropes you see over and over again, which you want to respond to sarcastically. But probably shouldn’t….
How my spoof BBC Question Time Twitter account showed me the level of abuse political women face on social media
Operating a spoof Twitter account during BBC Question Time gave me a glimpse of the level of misogyny that women in politics face on social media every day. I’ve dubbed tonight “the #vennfestfinale”—the final time I will be live tweeting…
Closing Mustardland – the end of the Archers messageboard
“The beginning, the middle and the end” was an event organised by Matt Locke’s Storythings agency, looking at the narrative of digital products. Nigel Smith was talking about the sometimes painful experience of closing the BBC Archer’s Messageboard, a topic…