The Daily Star is mightily annoyed with the BBC today – “BBC bosses were blasted last night after a glowing tribute to paedo Jimmy Savile appeared on their news website.” The story? The BBC’s obit of Jimmy Savile has found…
At the weekend the Mirror ran a story on the decision of Kellie Maloney to go public with a gender transition. I must confess I winced when I first saw the headline on my social media feeds. Not because of…
“I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me” – Mat Honan For Wired, Mat Honan ‘liked’ literally everything Facebook threw at him, to see what happened. He could only bear it for…
BuzzFeed got some money. The New York Times headline was predictable: “50 Million New Reasons BuzzFeed Wants to Take Its Content Far Beyond Lists” Ha! Ha! Ha! It’s BuzzFeed right? And all they do is lists, right? Ha! Ha! Ha!…
I read this yesterday – “First night in Kyiv” You should read it too. Not because it is brave or well-written – though it is those things – but because it is important. It is the story of somebody who…
A group of celebs have banded together to make “Let’s Stay Together” – an appeal for Scotland to vote against independence. It is 2014. If you try to view it on your phone, this happens.
Last week Digiday had a piece looking at Trinity Mirror’s success with digital experimentation. It’s always lovely to see things you’ve worked on having a real effect on a company. Here’s a couple of key points from Chris Smith’s piece……
A blogger on the Times Of Israel website posted a piece today asking when genocide was permissible. The Times of Israel moderated it off. People are posting screenshots and responding on Twitter as if the Times said it themselves. Hmm,…
Wolfgang Blau, director of digital strategy at the Guardian, recently tweeted about the shift to mobile apparent in news consumption over the last couple of years. He posed a challenging question – are we de-prioritising desktop design too soon? His…