Bug Brain Check-Out?

…up over decades I kind of can’t imagine it disappearing unless something bad had happened. Maybe he just gone underground and switched to 8kun and Gab and Telegram or something, or just let the domain name lapse by accident and will be sending me another angry email soon that this whole blog post has been a travesty. I don’t know, but I can’t help but fear the worst – that he is truth-seeking now on a different level. They say you are never truly…

Closing Mustardland – the end of the Archers messageboard

…it more time online explaining, instead of thickening his skin against us bad, bad, people, it would have helped the situation. I think you’ll also find what annoyed most people was the two weeks notice ‘and I will only communicate by blog’. It was also the assumption that we would want to dumb down to tweet, use the ‘unsecure’ facebook or bother being inolved in that vanity press we call ‘blog’. As to poking fun at a member of that board by laugh…

How we built Ampp3d in eight weeks

…@Conservatives, we fixed the scale of your bar chart for you. pic.twitter.com/7eYOh66aDJ — Ampp3d (@ampp3d) December 4, 2013 But Facebook is where the traffic is. Getting a bit of quality content and presenting it right so that it is widely shared on Facebook is where we’ve had the successes that have moved our audience size along. 4. I hate my well-meaning friends. OK, hate is a bit of a strong word. But it became a running joke on the Ampp3d de…

#GamerGate poll: Clarifying the change from “Uncovering corruption” to “Fighting corruption”

…lam Check it: can’t tweet pro-GG vote until you edit manually! pic.twitter.com/5FIuTO7Dlp — Scott Malcomson (@RoyCalbeck) October 3, 2014 The suggestion being hinted at there was that I had deliberately done that to stop #GamerGaters sharing their vote. That wouldn’t be something I’d ever do. So I was faced with a choice of either editing the poll after it had been up for a while, or leaving pro-#GamerGate votes unshareable. Both of those options…

Friday Reading S08E06

…t-lipped about it. This is a game called Troll Factory from the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle where you play as an employee spreading hate and disinformation across social media, to educate about the tactics they use. It uses real (and sometimes disturbing) social media memes and content. Entertaining run through how the BBC’s Roger Johnson got into his career. Was struck by this though, when he talked about the snobbish-ness that sometimes com

Friday Reading S09E06

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. This week’s main picture for Friday Reading is Natalie Wood. Ofcom’s 2019 “Children and parents: Media use and attitudes report” is out. Some key takeaways: Half of ten-year-olds now own their own smartphone. Use of smart s…

“The who, what and why of UsVsTh3m” – Martin Belam at Hacks/Hackers London

…“Knock! Knock!” joke. Why did that happen? Generator fatigue, perhaps? We hadn’t added anything new. And perhaps we made a mistake in not choosing to troll one side or the other. It generated headlines alternating between Xbox and Playstation, but maybe we should have just decided to build something mocking Playstation fanboys that Xbox fangirls could get behind. Or perhaps it just wasn’t funny. Game Of Thrones Facebook app Our first interactive t…

Hello, world (Slight return)

…do” list for 15 months. Folks – this is what happens when you let a non-sysadmin do the sysadmin role. The new version is back on Bytemark, who’ve been excellently hosting for UsVsTh3m and Ampp3d. The rebuild has been done by the awesome William Turrell The future of blogging…? Well, I’ll carry on. The output might be less frequent. But while the site was down I saw this stupid tweet about Facebook organic reach using Snickers as an example and I…

“The digital place you love is gone” – Joe Sokohl at EuroIA

…became their “place”. Typically, as time has gone on, layer upon layer of complexity has been added to AOL and Facebook. It reminded me of the “Featuritis” curve slide by Carrie Buckingham and Erica Drecker that was doing the rounds on Twitter from another talk. As time passes, users go through an adoption curve of “This is new”, “Yes! I can do this”, “Woah, where did they put that thing?” to something like “Sweet Holy Jeebus I can’t even find ou…

“Every story starts with an audience of zero” – Jay Lauf of Quartz at news:rewired

…rdian Chris Moran is always keen to point out, that search traffic doesn’t come from the robots, the traffic comes from human beings typing words into a search engine. But Jay’s broader point, that news organisation expend a lot of effort on this and it maybe delivers 25% of their traffic, holds true. His third game was the “social” one. Making up the 60%-ish of your traffic that isn’t homepage or search driven, this consists of the visible “light…