Complaining you get less organic Facebook reach is looking down the wrong end of the telescope
You’ll have heard a lot over the last few weeks on how Facebook is screwing down the organic reach of brand posts, and there’s a lot of unhappy people out there. I think anyone complaining they get less organic Facebook…

How we built Ampp3d in eight weeks
This evening I spoke at #ProductTank – a showcase event about product development hosted by the BBC, explaining how Trinity Mirror built Ampp3d in eight weeks. Here’s what I said… Ampp3d is the Mirror’s new data journalism site, which we…
Does Ampp3d have a problem with bias?
At news:rewired I got put on the spot about whether there is a problem with Ampp3d being biased. Here’s what I think… I’m loving editing Ampp3d. It’s harder work than I imagined. And doing data journalism day-in day-out is fascinating…

“The Ampp3d-ification of news”
No, nobody’s coined or used that phrase yet, so I thought I’d start We’re eleven weeks into the experiment that is publishing Ampp3d. I’m enjoying it so far. I think we’ve made some great and entertaining content, and I think…

Guardian shows why mobile design has to work for commercial content as well as editorial content
We’ve heard a lot recently about the labels that need to be applied to “native advertising” or “advertorial” online. If user-testing over the years has taught me one thing, it is that you can always rely on at least some…