Friday Reading S13E23
Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things he found on the internet this week. It is now in its thirteenth season. Sign up…
Thoughts on … Doctor Who: Old Friends (2022)
[This is part of an occasional series where I ramble without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox or a new one I listened to on my pocket computer device.]…
Friday Reading S13E22
Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things he found on the internet this week. It is now in its thirteenth season. Sign up…
Thoughts on … Doctor Who: Redacted (2022)
[This is part of an occasional series where I ramble without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox or a new one I listened to on my pocket computer device.]…
Some thoughts about Andrew Fletcher and Depeche Mode
I feel like I’ve got a complicated relationship with Depeche Mode now. For years and years they were by far my favourite band, the one I was absolutely fanatical about. I mentioned this in my newsletter the other week, that…
Friday Reading S13E21
Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things he found on the internet this week. It is now in its thirteenth season. Sign up…
A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in May 2022
It is different for me now. I am on a Twitter break. So I just play the albums at the right time and then idly scroll through what people are saying without adding anything. It’s much more boring that way….
A one-line review of every gig I’ve been to in May 2022
Nobody has asked for this. It is more for my benefit than yours, I guess. It’s a monthly series now. Links go to the artist website. Maybe your interest will be piqued by one of the reviews. Maybe you’ll scroll…
Friday Reading S13E20
Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things he found on the internet this week. It is now in its thirteenth season which at…
Guardian article about the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie
This was too late to go into yesterday’s newsletter but I’ve done a piece for the Guardian about the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie starring Paul McGann. It is pegged to a new documentary – Doctor Who Am I? –…