“Alright, grandad” – Private Eye cartoon has a pop at modern social media journalism
I saw this on Twitter from Private Eye and it irked me so I copied it out and wrote about it. 1) There was never a golden age where everybody rocked straight out of journalism school and immediately got put…

“You are part of our gang” – running news social media accounts during an election campaign
Having run social media accounts for both the Mirror and the Guardian during election and referendum campaigns, here’s a long rambling brain dump about the whole thing… I suppose one of the things that has driven my career over nearly…

“Graphic content, graphic novels” – Marc Ellison discusses his work at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and one of the highlights for me was a session called “Graphic content. Graphic novels“, where journalist Marc Ellison talked through the projects where he has rendered stories in the form…

“How can you build debunking beats into your newsroom?” – notes from a panel session at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and here are my notes on a talk all about debunking false information, which featured Alison Gow of Trinity Mirror, and Mark Frankel of the BBC Mark Frankel, Social Media Editor,…

“Did the British press cause Brexit?” – notes from a panel session at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, where on a lovely sunny day in a beautiful Italian palazzo, several British journalists gathered to talk about #Brexit, and the role the British press had played in the Leave vote….
“The ethics of live online video” – notes from a panel session at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and here are my notes on a panel session entitled “The ethics of live video” featuring Mark Frankel, Joanna Geary, Ben de Pear and Mandy Jenkins. The session was moderated by…
“Collaborative election monitoring via social media” – notes from a panel about Electionland at #ijf17
I’ve been at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and here are my notes from a session about “Electionland”, billed as the largest collaborative journalistic exercise to monitor an election ever. The panel featured Scott Klein of ProPublica, Fergus Bell…
“How do Le Monde do Snapchat Discover?” – Jean-Guillaume Santi explains at #ijf17
I’m at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and this is a guest post from Beth Ashton, who is Head of audience at the Manchester Evening News. These are her notes from a session entitled “How Le Monde reports the…

“Not just cool graphs: data journalism for investigations” – notes from the panel session at #ijf17
I’m at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and here are my notes from a panel about data journalism featuring my colleague Caelainn Barr alongside Mar Cabra, Daniele Grasso and Paula Guisado. Daniele Grasso, El Confidencial Daniele Grasso works at…
“Internet memes: misinformation machines or vectors of truth?” – notes on the panel at #ijf17
I’m at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia, and these are my notes from a panel session featuring Joanna Geary, An Xiao Mina, Farida Vis and Claire Wardle talking about memes. “Meme reflect cultural undercurrents” – An Xiao Mina, Meedan…