Asking people to submit stories is not the local newspocalypse

Lots of attention on social media today to this story: “Newsquest title asks readers to write and publish stories as part of ‘simplified’ news sharing process” Another nail in the cofffin for local news etc etc But is it? This…

Every journalist should read every word of this: “What I learned from seven years as the Guardian’s audience editor“

This is worth a read from my colleague Olivia Solon about being on the receiving end of abuse as a journalist: “A normalization of violence: how cyberbullying began and how to fight it” One of the things that fundamentally irks…

Yes, Trump’s tweets are a distraction – but one people clearly want to read

I have some sympathy with the view that Donald Trump uses his Twitter account to the do the “dead cat strategy” of distracting people and the media from more important issues. I think it is important that the media hold…

Friday Reading S05E03

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from journalist and designer Martin Belam covering journalism, media and technology. I got to go to the Borderline Club today to see REM get interviewed about their “Out Of Time” album….

Friday Reading S05E02

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from journalist and designer Martin Belam covering journalism, media and technology. That is guaranteed to be 100% free of that man…and is a bit short this week I helped launch our…

“It is happening again…” – BBC junking more Doctor Who

I’ve written for the Guardian today about the experience of watching “Power of the Daleks” as a massive, massive Doctor Who nerd who knew nothing about the story and was able to watch the new animation as if it was…

Friday Reading S05E01

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from journalist and designer Martin Belam covering journalism, media and technology. That is now back on my own website instead of on Medium. Because reasons… Former colleague and inspirational figure Matt…

Which Doctor Who story will they animate next after “Power of the Daleks”?

This week I was lucky enough to be at the BBC’s press launch for the newly animated lost Doctor Who story “Power of the Daleks” Inevitable in the Q&A afterwards people’s thoughts turned towards whether they would animate another story…

I thought this was very enjoyable and perceptive from Benedict Evans last week – “Mobile, smartphones and hindsight” – and not just because it includes some glorious photos of mobile devices over the last 15 years. Ben argues that you…