Bug Brain Check-Out?

…gine it disappearing unless something bad had happened. Maybe he just gone underground and switched to 8kun and Gab and Telegram or something, or just let the domain name lapse by accident and will be sending me another angry email soon that this whole blog post has been a travesty. I don’t know, but I can’t help but fear the worst – that he is truth-seeking now on a different level. They say you are never truly gone until the last person who reme…

Closing Mustardland – the end of the Archers messageboard

…nd ordinary trustees each get £35,952pa for the same. The figures may be found here: http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/assets/files/pdf/about/trustees/2012/report_apr12_sep12.pdf Given that the BBC Trust was apparently unwilling/unable to respond to our petition or to intervene in the closure of the Archers’ message board and the gross mismanagement of BBC resources that this high-handed and peremptory decision represented, one could be forgiven…

Friday Reading S08E18 – SEASON FINALE

…e 2006. I make electronic music about the paranormal and I’ve got two gigs coming up next year, if that sounds like your sort of thing. 30 January in Shoreditch supporting Hate Moss, and my first home-town Walthamstow gig for 25 years will be on 5 March supporting Pye Corner Audio. Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter – hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year with friends, family, loved ones, and enemies. Season nine of Frid…

A one-line spoiler-free review of everything I watched in the cinema in February 2023

…heavily influenced by or been made by people in or adjacent to the LGBTQ+ community and I found this incredibly affecting about a teacher trying to just get on with their life and hold down their job and relationship in the 1980s at the height of the Section 28 bigotry of the Conservative government of the time, cheerled by huge sections of the media. Remind you of anything today? You should watch this. Rosy McEwen in Blue Jean Sissy (2022), Kane…

Friday Reading S10E05

…hat he didn’t see this as an issue, because the trend was that people were downloading music. At the time, 96 per cent of music was sold on physical media. CDs continue to outsell downloads (which have been largely replaced by streaming) even today – and technology has yet to provide a means to download printer cartridges, cut flowers, cosmetics, toys or multivitamins. New Statesman – The record shop, the taxman and the missing billions Change of…

β€œHow to make journalism work on tablet computers” at News On The Move II

…ng the product for the digital era” because they’d discovered that it was fundamentally sound. If you put the print and digital editions side-by-side though, they aren’t the same. What they’d done is retain the essence of the print product, and then put the effort into making it a quick painless download, rather than having what he described as an “incredibly reductive argument about retaining fonts and kerning and tracking.” Lee also spoke about…

Friday Reading S09E03

…, rather than distractedly browsing through a social stream. They’re about complex stories, compelling formats and talented people who have the potential to build loyal audiences.” Really deep dive into this by Daniel C. Dennett: “The first robot homicide was committed in 1981, according to my files. I have a yellowed clipping dated December 9, 1981, from the Philadelphia Inquirer — not the National Enquirer — with the headline ‘Robot killed repai…

Friday Reading S11E05

…d accept with open arms anything that nature gives you”. But he has also found such attitudes to be common. There is, he says, a widespread “taboo” on talking about extraterrestrial intelligence. Why does Loeb believe that ‘Oumuamua was alien technology? Harvard’s top astronomer says our solar system may be teeming with alien technology – Will Dunn, New Scientist Extremely long and detailed post by Fish, the former front-man from Marillion, on how…

Friday Reading S12E04

…interview with executive producer Matt Strevens The new series starts on Sunday, and as soon as the episode finishes you will be able to join in the comments on my episode recap for The Halloween Apocalypse on the Guardian website. I don’t have the link yet, but it will appear at the top of this page at 7.15pm on Sunday: Doctor Who – episode-by-episode There was actually a Dukes of Hazzard episode that had an alien in it. TRACK OF THE WEEK: Unité…

Good Friday Reading S13E14

…o cut Killing Joke out of my set of bands I habitually go and see live and download new albums etc etc. Except they’ve got a new track Total and honestly it is so good, if you’d told me it was a rediscovered off-cut from between 1985 and 1989 I would not have disbelieved you. Hmmmmm. Main Dans La Main by Elli & Jacno is the slice of vintage 80’s French synthpop you didn’t know you were missing – cracking video with it. I make 80s-sounding electron…