So long, Contributoria

So long, Contributoria

Sad news today that Contributoria, the crowd-funded journalism site, is to close. I always rather loved the idea of trying to bring together a community that would fund the best journalism that they wanted to see written, and I also…

Friday Reading S02E10

Friday Reading S02E10

It’s Friday. It’s my round-up of stuff I read this week which I reckoned was worth sharing so that you might read it too. And if you find you like this sort of round-up, sign up to my email and…

The more things change, the more they stay the same: Guardian design personas from 2006

The more things change, the more they stay the same: Guardian design personas from 2006

I was clearing out a load of stuff the other day, and discovered I still had some posters of the design personas that the Guardian were using the very first time I worked there. They were prepared by Flow Interactive…

Friday Reading S02E09

Friday Reading S02E09

*sings* It’s some stuff 🎶 I read 🎶 That you might like 🎶 Or not. *ends singing* “After all this, you still think you want to be an information architect because you are in love with the idea of spreading…

InPublishing article on “wearable tech”

“This is going to be a key issue for publishers. The phone is already an intimate personal device – many people sleep with their phone by their bedside. It is the last thing they look at when they go to…

Friday Reading S02E08

It’s that time of the week when I list some things that I’ve enjoyed reading on the internet and then hope that you’ll read and enjoy them too… Simon Ricketts tells the Labour Party “You’re already dead”, while Gary Bainbridge…

Read Nominet’s 30 stories for 30 years of .uk

Yesterday saw the launch of a project I’ve been helping along the last few weeks – “30 Stories of .uk” It is 30 years since the .uk domain name came into existence, and working with Nominet and Storythings I’ve been…

Friday Reading S02E07

I usually post loads of stuff I’ve read this week which I think you might like to read too on a Friday. But I’m going away for a few days, so it’s WOAH NOT THE USUAL ROUTINE. Never miss a…

Friday Reading S02E06

Friday Reading S02E06

It’s my weekly list of some interesting things I’ve read which I think you might find interesting too. “How A Hate Crime Changed My Life” – Hilal Isler “I don’t remember falling asleep that night, but when I woke up…

Friday Reading S02E05

Some stuff I read or noticed this week that I thought was worth drawing your attention to. It’s not mandatory to read anything – except maybe the Tom Coates’ blog post about the snail. You should definitely read that. And…