9 pet peeves from running the UsVsTh3m social media brand accounts

Every social media manager in the land must have some pet peeves among the kind of responses his or her brand generates. The tropes you see over and over again, which you want to respond to sarcastically. But probably shouldn’t….

“Every story starts with an audience of zero” – Jay Lauf of Quartz at news:rewired

I’ve been at the latest edition of news:rewired, and of course, note-taking and blogging furiously. Here are my notes from the opening keynote talk by Jay Lauf, publisher of Quartz. “Every story starts with an audience of zero” – Jay…

Life’s not just about monarchs and men: Why I want women on our banknotes.

Life’s not just about monarchs and men: Why I want women on our banknotes.

I think there should be women on our banknotes. It is one of those things that annoys me because it appears to be needlessly institutionally sexist. It is simply obtuse to look at the level of protest and decide not…

How my spoof BBC Question Time Twitter account showed me the level of abuse political women face on social media

Operating a spoof Twitter account during BBC Question Time gave me a glimpse of the level of misogyny that women in politics face on social media every day. I’ve dubbed tonight “the #vennfestfinale”—the final time I will be live tweeting…

“Telling the story of Firestorm” – Jon Henley & Robin Beitra at Hacks/Hackers London

“Telling the story of Firestorm” – Jon Henley & Robin Beitra at Hacks/Hackers London

Carefully planned as a spectacular launch to the Guardian’s new Australian edition, “Firestorm” is a rich interactive telling the story of the astonishing forest fires that engulfed the town of Dunalley, which came to the world’s attention thanks to a…

“The who, what and why of UsVsTh3m” – Martin Belam at Hacks/Hackers London

“The who, what and why of UsVsTh3m” – Martin Belam at Hacks/Hackers London

On Tuesday evening I spoke at Hacks/Hackers London about one of the projects I’ve been working on for the last couple of months — UsVsTh3m. An experiment UsVsTh3m has been funded by Trinity Mirror. It is part of a series…

Closing Mustardland – the end of the Archers messageboard

“The beginning, the middle and the end” was an event organised by Matt Locke’s Storythings agency, looking at the narrative of digital products. Nigel Smith was talking about the sometimes painful experience of closing the BBC Archer’s Messageboard, a topic…

“We aren’t here to steal anyone’s lunch” – Buzzfeed’s Luke Lewis at Hacks/Hackers London

[contentblock id=”2″] At last month’s Hacks/Hackers London meet-up, ex-NME digital guy Luke Lewis talked about the launch of the UK edition of Buzzfeed. As a site being variously touted as the future of journalism and symptomatic of the very death…

“How to make journalism work on tablet computers” at News On The Move II

Last week I went to News On The Move II, an afternoon event organised by Press Gazette and hosted by Google. Here are my notes from a panel session entitled “How to make journalism work on tablet computers”, and I…

16 tapirs who think your attitude to “sponsored content” sucks

16 tapirs who think your attitude to “sponsored content” sucks

If the traditional news industry wants to keep on earning a share of digital marketing spend, it needs to solve the conundrum of “sponsored content”, “advertorial” and “brand journalism” online. No, I’m not actually going to litter this blog post…