The more things change, the more they stay the same: Guardian design personas from 2006
I was clearing out a load of stuff the other day, and discovered I still had some posters of the design personas that the Guardian were using the very first time I worked there. They were prepared by Flow Interactive…
How much of Wolfgang Blau’s “office desktop” traffic will survive for brands like the Mirror?
Wolfgang Blau, director of digital strategy at the Guardian, recently tweeted about the shift to mobile apparent in news consumption over the last couple of years. He posed a challenging question – are we de-prioritising desktop design too soon? His…

Guardian shows why mobile design has to work for commercial content as well as editorial content
We’ve heard a lot recently about the labels that need to be applied to “native advertising” or “advertorial” online. If user-testing over the years has taught me one thing, it is that you can always rely on at least some…

“Telling the story of Firestorm” – Jon Henley & Robin Beitra at Hacks/Hackers London
Carefully planned as a spectacular launch to the Guardian’s new Australian edition, “Firestorm” is a rich interactive telling the story of the astonishing forest fires that engulfed the town of Dunalley, which came to the world’s attention thanks to a…