One of the stories to come out of the 2015 General Election was how wrong the polling was in advance, and since then pollsters have been investigating how it went wrong: “This week’s Polling Inquiry — what you need to know in…

I’ve been in Zürich, talking to people at SRF about multimedia story-telling. One thing I’ve picked up during the day is this storytelling tool from MAZ.ch. It’s an interesting way for journalists who maybe don’t have the web as their…
As you may be aware, I’ve been experimenting with publishing Friday Reading on Medium rather than on martinbelam.com – cue massive debate about hosting your own content vs better distribution etc etc. Anyway, I’ve been pleased with how that has…

Sorry if you were expecting to find it on my blog or delivered straight to your email box. I’m trying an experiment with publishing Friday Reading on Medium – so you can get the latest episode over there. It features…

It’s Friday reading! Which definitely hasn’t been banned from speaking from anywhere for being an unredeemable [REDACTED BY LAWYER] Shameless self-promotion corner I’m on the New Statesman website explaining why “I’m a Europhile, but I’m thinking about voting for the…

It’s Friday and so as usual I have rounded up some articles I read (or re-read) on the internet this week, and I present them to you in a list so that you too may partake of their goodness if…

Last night I was at the Dare Conference Party, a sort of taster menu of Lightning Talks sandwiched in between the two main days of the Dare Conference. And here are my notes from the talks… “3 things that unexpectedly…

It’s Friday. Throw off the shackles of your working week, and get down and dirty with this long list of stuff what I read on the interwebs and what I reckoned you might like reading too. Kids and technology This…

Over the weekend I made my debut for the Telegraph, with “Doctor Who companions – a data story” It’s a look at how the relative ages of the lead actor and the people playing the Doctor’s companion have shifted over…
Way back in the mists of time I used to blog a lot about what annoyed me in the Evening Standard. And one of the things that used to annoy me most in the paper in the 90s and early…