I usually post loads of stuff I’ve read this week which I think you might like to read too on a Friday. But I’m going away for a few days, so it’s WOAH NOT THE USUAL ROUTINE. Never miss a…

It’s my weekly list of some interesting things I’ve read which I think you might find interesting too. “How A Hate Crime Changed My Life” – Hilal Isler “I don’t remember falling asleep that night, but when I woke up…
Some stuff I read or noticed this week that I thought was worth drawing your attention to. It’s not mandatory to read anything – except maybe the Tom Coates’ blog post about the snail. You should definitely read that. And…

Last night I went to an event called “Elegant Tools” which was hosted by Facebook in the swanky surrounds of the St Pancras Renaissance, which was also once the location for a great episode of Most Haunted. The evening was…
Things I read this week. Which you could read too. If you wanted to. No pressure. This man seems to have fundamentally misunderstood that people publish stuff on social networks because they enjoy sharing, not because they are concerned about…
The BBC have published a list of their URLs that have been removed from Google search results under the “right to be forgotten”. I’ve seen a fair bit of commentary saying this is brave journalism, and being a bit gleeful…

So this week Dapper Laughs launched DappsDaily then pulled it after accusations of plagiarism from the Guardian, banned the Liverpool Echo from reviewing a show, and faced local council calls for him not to play in Sunderland. And today on…

I’ve tried to avoid getting all misty-eyed on here about UsVsTh3m and Ampp3d and Row Zed and all that j@zz, but this is a lovely blog post from Matt Round who worked on some of the interactive stuff we did…
It’s some stuff! What I read! You might like it too! Or Not! “If Apple phased out the Mac, how would those who use it to get work done carry on?” ME BASH ROCKS TOGETHER. Actually the link reveals a…
I wrote yesterday about “8 things we learned covering #GE2015 for Ampp3d & UsVsTh3m” and my friend/former colleague/drinking partner/fellow Doctor Who fan/beard rival Richard Beech chipped in with another couple in a blog post on the blog that he said…