Guardian article about the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie
This was too late to go into yesterday’s newsletter but I’ve done a piece for the Guardian about the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie starring Paul McGann. It is pegged to a new documentary – Doctor Who Am I? –…

Thoughts on … Doctor Who: The Evil of the Daleks (1967 and 2021)
[This is the fifth in an occasional series where I ramble at length and without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox. Lucky, lucky you. Previously: The Invasion, Dragonfire, The…
My tuppence on Russell T Davies returning as Doctor Who showrunner
If you were at all curious as to what I think about the news that Russell T Davies is returning to Doctor Who as showrunner – and frankly who wouldn’t be – then luckily I’ve said it all as part…

Thoughts on … Doctor Who: Respond to All Calls (2021)
[This is the fourth in an occasional series where I ramble at length and without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox or in this case a new one I…

Thoughts on … Doctor Who: The Web of Fear (1968 and 2021)
[This is the third in an occasional series where I ramble at length and without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox. Lucky, lucky you. Previously: The Invasion and Dragonfire]…

Thoughts on … Doctor Who: Dragonfire (1987)
[This is the second in an occasional series where I ramble at length and without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox although in this case the tellybox was the…
Doctor Who: Time Fracture spoiler-free review
I went to one of the preview nights for the Doctor Who: Time Fracture immersive theatre production last week, and this is my absolutely 100% spoiler-free thoughts about it. Mostly, you get out of immersive theatre what you put into…
The moment has been prepared for – my first Guardian Doctor Who episode-by-episode recap
It’s a new year, and a big day for me personally. I’ve got the job in the worst way possible because we lost my friend and colleague Dan Martin earlier this year, but I’m taking over the Guardian Doctor Who…

Thoughts on … Doctor Who: The Invasion (1968 and 2006)
[This is the first in an occasional series where I ramble at length and without much focus about an old episode of Doctor Who what I have just watched on my tellybox. Lucky, lucky you] I watched 1968 Doctor Who…
The six sentences I hate writing about Doctor Who
If you’d told me as a kid that when I grew up I would get paid to sometimes write about Doctor Who for a national newspaper, then I’m sure little me would have been very happy indeed. But there’s always…