Friday Reading S08E03

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. “This is the myth of…

Friday Reading S08E02

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. “I would welcome the opportunity…

Friday Reading S08E01

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. I’m not entirely clear I…

I unashamedly love VAR. It might have cost England a late goal in the Nation’s League semi-final, but that didn’t change my mind. I think getting crucial match-changing decisions right is important, and VAR steps up the accuracy of decision…

I said that I’d love to see a long read or essay about Doctor Who, race, and the reaction of people watching the show on the current #DoctorWhoOnTwitch marathon, but that I wasn’t the best placed person to write it….

[I still have this ticket for The Fall's Koko gig in 2017, which would have been the 13th time I'd seen them, but which was cancelled due to Mark's increasing ill-health]

In recent years I always went to The Fall gigs with the assumption that it might be the last time I’d ever see the band. And then suddenly it was. When the news broke of Mark E Smith’s death yesterday,…

Friday Reading S07E08

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s social media idiot Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. A delve…

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s social media idiot Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. This is…

Doctor Who Shada – some other bits and bobs from the press screening

I was lucky enough to be at the press screening for Shada yesterday. There was a Q&A afterwards where a lot of the press quotes you may have seen came from, including in the piece in the Guardian. I felt…

Friday Reading S07E06

Friday Reading is a weekly series of recommended reads from the Guardian’s social media idiot Martin Belam, covering journalism, media and technology, and other interesting nerdy things. It is also available as an email newsletter. Sign up here. Tom Baker…