m-orchestra – The Grim Circus – track-by-track guide from my #GrimTwitterListeningParty

m-orchestra – The Grim Circus – track-by-track guide from my #GrimTwitterListeningParty

Today, 100% unlicensed and unofficial, I did a #GrimTwitterListeningParty for new m-orchestra album The Grim Circus. I don’t have a fancy replay facility, but here it is presented as a track-by-track guide to the stories behind the songs and what…

The Grim Circus to be released on Friday

I remember when I first started making music again after a hiatus of nearly a decade I tweeted something along the lines of “Note to self: it is fine to start making dad laptop techno for fun, but nobody needs…

A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in April 2021

Nobody has asked for this. Tough luck. It’s a monthly series now. I’ve marked LPs that I’d never heard the whole way through before with a 🆕 icon. The links (mostly) go to the album on Spotify. 🆕The Clientele Suburban Light…

A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in March 2021

A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in March 2021

Nobody has asked for this. Tough luck. It’s a monthly series now. I’ve marked LPs that I’d never heard the whole way through before with a 🆕 icon. The links (mostly) go to the album on Spotify. Gang Of Four Solid…

A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in February 2021

Nobody has asked for this. Tough luck. It’s a monthly series now. I’ve marked LPs that I’d never heard the whole way through before with a 🆕 icon. The links go to the album on Spotify. 🆕The Beach Boys The Beach…

m-orchestra ‘More Ghost Stories EP’ released today

The new m-orchestra EP is out today in all good digital stores, featuring four tracks: Swim With Me (Drowning Child) – A woman recalls the feeling she had as a child, that something in the house was trying to lure her…

That gig meme that’s been knocking around on the Facebooks

FIRST GIG: Cliff Richard at the London Palladium in 1983 with my parents. LAST GIG: Incredibly luckily just sneaked in before lockdown it was me as m-orchestra supporting Pye Corner Audio at the Wild Card Brewery in Walthamstow. It was…

A one-line review of every #TimsTwitterListeningParty I joined in January 2021

Nobody has asked for this. Tough luck. It’s a new monthly series. I’ve marked LPs that I’d never heard the whole way through before with a 🆕 icon. The links go to the album on Spotify. Fat Boy Slim You’ve…

m-orchestra – More Ghost Stories EP and live shows

Regular readers will know that I make cursed and haunted electronica about the paranormal under the name m-orchestra, which has been my regular recording name since *gulp* 1987. Jesus. Anyway, I’ve got a new EP coming out on 15 February…

Have yourself a Womblin’ Christmas

Have yourself a Womblin’ Christmas

What a lovely end of year treat a #TimsTwitterListeningParty for the Wombles’ album Superwombling was. That was my Wombles album as I kid. I suspect the vinyl is still lurking at my parent’s house somewhere. The passage of time is…